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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Building a New Life for Herself: Cara's Journey

On Wednesday I like to feature someone special on my blog. These is someone that is working hard and achieving their health and fitness goals DESPITE life trying to throw them off track. This week’s Wednesday Warrior is a girl named Cara Koenig; an 18 year old from Pittsburgh.

Way to go, Cara!!
Where were you before you began your fitness journey? Before Beachbody, I was severely overweight. I felt like I didn't have "time" to diet or exercise because I have a crazy work schedule. The number on the scale increased and I was embarrassed about how much weight I packed on. None of my clothes fit so I resorted to jeggings, leggings, and hoodies to cover my not-so-attractive lumps and bumps. I was desperate and knew I needed to make a change.

What inspired you to start? I started seeing Corrie's posts about how Beachbody has helped her and it caught my interest. I was willing to try anything! I started asking questions and was convinced! I ordered my Challenge Pack January 16, received it the 21, and began my journey on the 26th. By February 16, I lost 16 pounds and 12.5 inches! Not only did I see the changes, I felt myself changing as well.

How has the overall journey thus far changed you as a person – not just physically, but as a whole? I no longer resort to food when I'm feeling happy, sad, bored, tired, whatever. I write out my meals for the week on Sundays and that is what I eat. I have a lot more weight I want to lose, but I am so proud of myself for starting this program, finishing the 21 days, and continuing on with it!

What are your future fitness goals? I want more people who have the same weight problems I do to just give it a try! I still have about 60 pounds to lose and am thinking about moving on to T25 or Insanity Max:30. I also want to do my first 5K! I love the active lifestyle I am now living and I would never want to fall back into my unhealthy, inactive lifestyle again.

What would you say to the “old you”? If I could tell my old self anything, I would tell me that there is nothing that tastes as good as being healthy feels. While I've only lost 4 more pounds, I'm still losing inches! I love the road I am on and am excited for the day I hit my target weight!

Nicole's Note:


You have inspired me since Day 1. I love your energy, enthusiasm, and drive for your own health and fitness journey. You have worked so hard, and have come so far and it definitely shows. You have overcome struggle, temptation, and a crazy busy schedule to take ownership of what you want and go after it. You have done what so many others are afraid to do - and that is refused to allow any situation you may find yourself in to hold you back from what you truly want. Not many people possess that amazing quality, and those who do have the potential to achieve some huge things in life. Don't ever quit! You still have way too many awesome things waiting to be achieved, and I know you are going to achieve them!


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