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Monday, May 4, 2015

Screw the Snooze: Silence is Golden

Hello all of my "not-a-morning-person" people! Welcome to the first entry in the Screw the Snooze series. Today we focus on silence.

How often do we ever really find silence?


Until now!

Silence helps us to let go.
There are many benefits to silence, and if you are living in a house with children, dogs, cats, etc. I am right there with you in understanding that silence just isn't something that we get to enjoy 99% of the time. Someone is always doing something, but by waking up just a little bit earlier than the rest of the house, you CAN enjoy that silence each and every day -- and it's good for you, too!

The Miracle Morning states that this silence should be sitting, focusing on your breathing, or meditating. Now, I know many of us have too busy of a mind to really quiet it for that long (which is why we need to do this in the first place) so start out small. Maybe you sit and listen to a guided meditation for 3 minutes (your Podcast App is fabulous for finding free guided meditations that you can play right through your phone! Just search "Meditation" and check out all of your options). You might also start out very basic and just wake up, make your favorite morning beverage, and just stare out a window taking in the peace and quiet of your house and the dawning of a new day.  One of my favorite things to do when the weather is warm is wake up with the morning sun, sit on my back porch and allow the sun to wash over my bed-head while sipping coffee. The warmth from the sun plus the chill of the morning air, and the heat from the coffee is this perfect trifecta to a happy, rejuvenated self.

The goal here with your silence, however you choose to make it happen, is to get at peace with yourself to start the day. There's nothing worse than a hectic morning where you forget everything, and let's be honest - those are pretty frequent., but by allowing yourself just a few moments to breathe and enjoy the peace, it will put your mind in a place that it's ready to tackle those challenging parts of your day.

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