21 Day Fix

3 Day Refresh

Monday, March 23, 2015

What Does Success Mean (to YOU) ?

Success isn’t an easy thing to come by. Often times we have our own definition of what success looks like : a rockin’ ass, a nice set of abs, a fancy car, the freedom of choice – Success is different for everyone.  What I view as success, and what you view as success are most likely never going to be exactly the same – that being said, sometimes our vision of success can be grossly skewed if it is not linked to our values and beliefs.
It is easy to get sucked into what someone else idea of success is, as we all have a natural want to fit in with our surroundings; however, success is one area where you never want to try and fit in – you always want to march to the beat of your own drum.  You see, when your idea of success becomes skewed based on the idea of someone else, you will never truly feel successful as you reach “your goals”, because they aren’t yours! They were goals that someone else set for themselves and their idea of success – you accomplishing the same thing, the same way will most likely not feel nearly as awesome, or awesome at all, if those goals and that idea of success is directly tied to Y-O-U
It’s time to define your life and define your idea of success. Block out the world, sit with a notebook and write down what success looks like to you. If you are writing down material things, such as a BMW, write next to it WHY you associate that with success. Is it something you have always wanted because you enjoy the body style...or do you associate it with success because “that’s what people who seem successful drive”. Make sure your idea of success is legit, and not just another “because everyone else does” figment of your imagination. 

 Next, go through the list and highlight the success items that evoke happiness when you read over them – again, these can be anything. For you it MIGHT be that BMW! Highlight those things. That is your idea of success, and your “why” next to each item ties those things back with your values.

Keep this in a special spot. You don’t have to tell anyone, but look at it daily and celebrate the fact that it is ALL YOURS. It’s not your friends, your wife’s, your husband’s…this is YOUR IDEA OF SUCCESS! Now go make some goals and get what YOU want out of life!

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