21 Day Fix

3 Day Refresh

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Screw the Snooze: The Power of Affirmations

Awesome Affirmation!
In addition to savoring a few moments of silence and reading something uplifting, positive affirmations are a great way to further strengthen your soul and mind. The fact is: our mind can either propel us to some crazy places, or limit us beyond belief. The biggest factor in success or failure is always the person within the act - YOU! There is an old saying that reads, "Whether you think you can or can't, you are probably right."  Why? Because the body achieves what the mind perceives. If you think you can't, you don't have time, you don't have money, you aren't smart enough, you aren't pretty enough, etc. - guess what? You aren't. You need to turn on a switch to speak more positive words into your life and over time, your entire mindset will change.

So what is an affirmation? Basically it is something that you repeat to yourself over and over. Right now your affirmations may resemble what I listed previously, and if so - it's time to switch them. Develop an affirmation for how you want your day, week or life to go. Something as simple as, "This is going to be a great day. I am confident in my abilities, I am organized in my thoughts, and I am READY to take on any challenge that is sent my way." Just re-reading that I feel more empowered. Speak to yourself the way you would speak to your child! Tell yourself that you CAN do things. Acknowledge hurdles as learning opportunities. Never EVER tell yourself that you are not worthy, smart enough, etc. Build yourself up!

My grandmother would always repeat the words "Help me, Jesus" when she was in a frazzled stated. I have also adopted that saying, and while I wouldn't say it's necessarily an affirmation, it gets my mind right during the times of struggle. I will repeat it over and over again, "Lord, help me Jesus. Help me through this, Jesus." You get the idea. The calming effect it has on me is wonderful and it's a great reminder to me that our life's journey is in the hands of the Lord, and each trial and tribulation is there for a reason.

Try it out. Develop a key phrase that is positive when you hit a rough patch in the road. "You can get through this. You are awesome". Watch how your mindset slowly starts to change.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Screw the Snooze: Read Something

The last entry we talked about how silence is something we all need to experience- even if just for 3 minutes - first thing in the morning. It allows our brain to re-focus and get ready to begin the day.

Today I want to focus on the value of reading something uplifting in the morning. Perhaps as simple as a daily devotional, a Bible passage, or a great personal development book. I know this sounds weird if you have never tried it before, but personal development has changed my life!

Here's the thing - you can fill you brain with junk (stories, reality tv...all of which is great in moderation!) or KNOWLEDGE. I'm sure you have a weak area in your life: time management, organization, personal belief, fears -- there's a book for that! And I'm not recommending that you read some corny self-help book, I'm talking about the books of the greats. The books that make top CEOs, motivational speakers, and some of the most influential people of our time! Books that can transform how you think about everything from just a daily action that seems insignificant, to something that doesn't quite go your way. I'm telling you - don't knock it til you try it!

The goal that I have for you is 10 pages. That's it! 10 pages a day of uplifting reading to begin your day. Watch how quickly your mindset changes - or don't and stay where you are: miserable and tired.

Here are some of the books you could find on my Kindle that I highly recommend:

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod (the inspiration for this series)

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson (HIGHLY recommend)

WTF to OMG: The Frazzled Females Guide to Creating a Life You Love by Jennifer Sparks

As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Break Out! by Joel Osteen

I Declare by Joel Osteen

No Excuses! by Brian Tracy

And that's just the Kindle...I have many more titles from John C. Maxwell, David Ramsey, and Tony Robbins in my bookcase at home!

Again, personal development CHANGED MY LIFE and it can for you too! Download or borrow one of these books from your local library and just TRY IT :)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Screw the Snooze: Silence is Golden

Hello all of my "not-a-morning-person" people! Welcome to the first entry in the Screw the Snooze series. Today we focus on silence.

How often do we ever really find silence?


Until now!

Silence helps us to let go.
There are many benefits to silence, and if you are living in a house with children, dogs, cats, etc. I am right there with you in understanding that silence just isn't something that we get to enjoy 99% of the time. Someone is always doing something, but by waking up just a little bit earlier than the rest of the house, you CAN enjoy that silence each and every day -- and it's good for you, too!

The Miracle Morning states that this silence should be sitting, focusing on your breathing, or meditating. Now, I know many of us have too busy of a mind to really quiet it for that long (which is why we need to do this in the first place) so start out small. Maybe you sit and listen to a guided meditation for 3 minutes (your Podcast App is fabulous for finding free guided meditations that you can play right through your phone! Just search "Meditation" and check out all of your options). You might also start out very basic and just wake up, make your favorite morning beverage, and just stare out a window taking in the peace and quiet of your house and the dawning of a new day.  One of my favorite things to do when the weather is warm is wake up with the morning sun, sit on my back porch and allow the sun to wash over my bed-head while sipping coffee. The warmth from the sun plus the chill of the morning air, and the heat from the coffee is this perfect trifecta to a happy, rejuvenated self.

The goal here with your silence, however you choose to make it happen, is to get at peace with yourself to start the day. There's nothing worse than a hectic morning where you forget everything, and let's be honest - those are pretty frequent., but by allowing yourself just a few moments to breathe and enjoy the peace, it will put your mind in a place that it's ready to tackle those challenging parts of your day.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Screw the Snooze: 6 Tips to Jump Start Your Day towards Victory (Intro)

If you are like me, then you have probably uttered the words, “I am not a morning person” at least once in your life – Okay, maybe every single day. The fact is, we can all BECOME morning people, and the reason why some of us aren’t is because we are not waking up with the right mindset.

Think of it this way: God has given you this day as a gift. By constantly hitting snooze you are saying “Thanks for nothing”. Thanks for nothing?! You were given the gift to begin again, to start over, to finish what you started, to take another step towards victory – Snoozing is losing! However, I can honestly say that I know getting up without hitting the snooze button is easier said than done – good intentions included, or not. 

Don't let this be you - Screw the Snooze!
Which is why I decided to create a mini blog series called “Screw the Snooze: 6 Tips to Jump Start Your Day towards Victory”. If we start small, we can grow to unimaginable strength. Over the next six weeks, I will post a new challenge for you to try that week. Apply it beginning the next morning, and watch how your mornings slowly start to shift from “I hate mornings” to “Time to begin my day”. I’m telling you – Been there, done that – it works! It’s time to give that snooze button the finger – and I’m not talking about the one you use to hit it J

The ideas behind this series were taken from the book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. If you enjoy the series, I highly recommend you also grab the book as this is just one 3 page section that I have pulled. The entire book is fantastic, and one that everyone who is looking to make a positive change in their life should read.

The six areas I am going to focus on are: (1) Silence, (2) Reading, (3) Affirmations, (4) Visualization, (5) Journaling, and (6) Exercise. Beginning your day with just a few minutes of each of these will start it off in a more positive light, and begin propelling you from the start towards your victory. Remember – the mood in the morning sets the pace for the day. Choose wisely if you are looking to make a change.

Check back every Monday for a new tip! Want more ideas on how you can apply the weekly tips? Check out my YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/nik4213

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

An Unapologetic Change In Direction

Lately, I have just felt as though it was so hard for me to find something to write about. You may have noticed that my blog was getting more and more irregular with its posting schedule and that is because for the past few weeks the drive to write just has been absent.

I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching lately about what makes me happy, what feels forced, etc. and just as anyone would expect – when I’m happy I prosper and when things are forced I fall back. It got me to thinking about my blog – was this me? Was I coming through in my writing? Or was I writing a certain way on certain topics because that’s what I assumed would bring me success?I never want to do anything just for myself – I always want to reach a greater audience and create a larger wave of movement and change.

Come to find out that creating that change is what makes me happy. Moving someone to a new level of belief in themselves and their abilities, that’s what makes me happy. That’s a topic I can write on for days. That’s something that needs to be celebrated – and that is where Nicole Murray Fitness is now journeying towards:Living Your Best Life by Being Unapologetically You. I want to take people to a new level in their life through motivation, inspiration, testimony, health, and fitness. I want this blog to never focus on a “right” way but the many ways of living the most fulfilling life you can through mind, body, and spirit.

I greatly appreciate your support along the way – this blog has gone through all kinds of crazy stuff the past 2 years but I think it has now found its way “home”. I hope you will follow, subscribe, and find inspiration for living your own best life through my future entries.

Thanks so much for all of your support.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Failure's Never An Option: John's Story

90 Days!!! with P90X3
It's time for another shout out to a Workout Warrior!!! Meet John - a good ol boy and friend of mine from the Knoxville, TN area and fellow Beachbody Coach on the team. John started out like we all do - pretty much at wits end. Like so many, he went through a hardship, but John decided that rather than accepting it and continuing on with old ways, he was going to change things and MOVE FORWARD! John has not only moved forward in his fitness journey - but he has taken on some BIG goals and CRUSHED them as well!

Check out his journey:

Where were you at before you began your Beachbody fitness journey both physically and mentally?

"I was done! I had given up hope of ever being anybody! I was in a toxic relationship, I was out of control with my health and honestly really did not care what anyone thought . To me, life was just a game of living and dying there was no purpose."

What inspired you to begin? What were your goals when you first started?

"What inspired me to start was a year ago this weekend, I got really sick at work . To the point it forced me to leave work early and go to the hospital. Long story short, I had a kidney infection on top of kidney stones. I was down for almost a solid month between 2 different surgeries, recovery
and all. I knew I had to change or it would be this vicious cycle of pain and expenses over and over."

"When I first started, I wanted to get 30 lbs of weight off. I knew it would be difficult. It would require work, but after going through what I had just been through, I knew it was time for a
Go Time at his 1st 1/2 Marathon
change. I didn't care how hard it was going to be, I knew life had to change completely." 

How has the overall journey thus far changed you as a person?

  "Wow! It is unreal! I am happier! I am this positive, happy go lucky person. I feel like a million bucks. Through personal development books (Some call them self help) , a solid group of friends, coaches, and my family, and my faith, I have totally gone a 360 from last year at this time. I love to help others achieve their goals and I am constantly crossing off goals I NEVER thought I would get to cross off."

What are your future fitness goals?

"Future Fitness goals: Wow! I want to top 3 in my age group in my next 2 races, 5k's. Then, in October, I want to complete another half marathon in under 3 hours. Also, I am getting ready to tackle 21 day fix Extreme and my goal for that is to have great enough results to get into the infomercial!!"

What would you say to the old you to get them started and to keep them going?

"Looking back now, it's all about your "WHY"! What is it that motivates you to make those
changes? Why do you want to make those changes? What is going to force you to stick with
those changes  when the going gets tough, because it is going too. Period. You have to find that
why, that you connect with on a deep emotional level. Go after your goals. Find a pair of pants or
something you want to fit into. Hang them suckers up, and every so often, try those things on.
Know that each day you go forward is a step in the right direction. Also know you will have bad
days, but as long as you move forward, it is ok to fall back every now and then. Hell we are all
humans I do it! If your a runner, find a race that scares the HELL outta you. Register for it! Then
focus your training on that! I promise you reaching the goals is the most rewarding thing EVER !"

A Note From Nicole:


I have watched you come so far on your fitness journey, never giving up - even when you get injured (you crazy!!!)  You have been an inspiration to myself, and so many others, to always shoot for the stars and to never give up on a goal - even if you have to go through hell and back to get there - YOU KEEP GOING! Thank you for your posts, your videos, and your unwavering dedication to not only your own goals, but for the support of others and for the team.

One big scary goal down - many more to conquer!!!!! #johnrunsknoxville

Even Stearling Hinton knows a goal crusher when he sees one

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What Is The 21 Day Fix?

After having so much success, and helping others reach success with The 21 Day Fix, I am often times asked, "What is it?" Simply put, The 21 Day Fix is a 3 week program that teaches you proper portion control and eating habits, while comfortably challenging your body for 30 minutes a day with a different exercise routine.

What do I mean by "comfortably challenging"? It means that it challenges you enough that you feel challenged, you feel like you put in hard work, and you know it's going to get you results - but not to the point where you don't want to put in the next DVD tomorrow. The 21 Day Fix is a fantastic balance and something that can easily be paired with other fitness routines. You will work on upper body, lower body, plyometrics, pilates, yoga, and cardio. All of these exercises found in The 21 Day Fix are extremely beneficial to other fitness routines such as dance, running, swimming, etc. Think of them as a the perfect compliment.
21 Day Fix

Portion control is really what The 21 Day Fix is all about. It is learned through various containers in various sizes that are in various colors. Sound confusing? It actually takes ALL of the guess work out of eating healthy and turn is into a no-brainer. If you want to go super easy on yourself, while at the same time maximizing your results - pair it with Shakeology.  The containers are broken down as such:

Green: Vegetables
Purple: Fruits
Red: Proteins
Yellow: Carbs/Starches
Blue: Dairy/Healthy Fats
Orange: Nuts/Dressings

Depending on your calorie consumption (there is an easy way to find this out and is included with the 21 Day Fix meal planner booklet) you get so many of each container per day. When you eat all of your containers - you're done! And truth be told, many people who think that the food won't be enough are surprisingly full and unable to eat all of their containers during the day. The 21 Day Fix containers look small, but fill them up and dump them on your plate and I GUARANTEE you will be very surprised at how much they actually hold.

Pair the 21 Day Fix meal portioning and the workout DVDs and you get results - it's that easy. Accelerate those results using Shakeology - hands down the most amazing thing ever for reducing that belly bloat and kicking those cravings.

Average weight loss on the 21 Day Fix in my challenge groups is usually between 10-15 pounds during the first round (3 weeks). Participants are losing upwards of 50 pounds through continued use of the 21 Day Fix - and due to its ease and the fact that you are never starving yourself or putting yourself through strenuous "cleanses" it is easily worked into any type of lifestyle and maintained virtually painlessly.

If you are looking for a solution to a problem - The 21 Day Fix is it. This isn't one of those programs you buy, and then gain all the weight back. This TEACHES you what you need to do to create a real, solid change in your life. Are you ready to begin? Reach out and let's setup your order and get you in a private accountability group to keep you going and motivated!

I can't WAIT to work with you and help you to CHANGE.YOUR.LIFE!

...did I mention you can have wine and chocolate ;)