21 Day Fix

3 Day Refresh

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What Is The 21 Day Fix?

After having so much success, and helping others reach success with The 21 Day Fix, I am often times asked, "What is it?" Simply put, The 21 Day Fix is a 3 week program that teaches you proper portion control and eating habits, while comfortably challenging your body for 30 minutes a day with a different exercise routine.

What do I mean by "comfortably challenging"? It means that it challenges you enough that you feel challenged, you feel like you put in hard work, and you know it's going to get you results - but not to the point where you don't want to put in the next DVD tomorrow. The 21 Day Fix is a fantastic balance and something that can easily be paired with other fitness routines. You will work on upper body, lower body, plyometrics, pilates, yoga, and cardio. All of these exercises found in The 21 Day Fix are extremely beneficial to other fitness routines such as dance, running, swimming, etc. Think of them as a the perfect compliment.
21 Day Fix

Portion control is really what The 21 Day Fix is all about. It is learned through various containers in various sizes that are in various colors. Sound confusing? It actually takes ALL of the guess work out of eating healthy and turn is into a no-brainer. If you want to go super easy on yourself, while at the same time maximizing your results - pair it with Shakeology.  The containers are broken down as such:

Green: Vegetables
Purple: Fruits
Red: Proteins
Yellow: Carbs/Starches
Blue: Dairy/Healthy Fats
Orange: Nuts/Dressings

Depending on your calorie consumption (there is an easy way to find this out and is included with the 21 Day Fix meal planner booklet) you get so many of each container per day. When you eat all of your containers - you're done! And truth be told, many people who think that the food won't be enough are surprisingly full and unable to eat all of their containers during the day. The 21 Day Fix containers look small, but fill them up and dump them on your plate and I GUARANTEE you will be very surprised at how much they actually hold.

Pair the 21 Day Fix meal portioning and the workout DVDs and you get results - it's that easy. Accelerate those results using Shakeology - hands down the most amazing thing ever for reducing that belly bloat and kicking those cravings.

Average weight loss on the 21 Day Fix in my challenge groups is usually between 10-15 pounds during the first round (3 weeks). Participants are losing upwards of 50 pounds through continued use of the 21 Day Fix - and due to its ease and the fact that you are never starving yourself or putting yourself through strenuous "cleanses" it is easily worked into any type of lifestyle and maintained virtually painlessly.

If you are looking for a solution to a problem - The 21 Day Fix is it. This isn't one of those programs you buy, and then gain all the weight back. This TEACHES you what you need to do to create a real, solid change in your life. Are you ready to begin? Reach out and let's setup your order and get you in a private accountability group to keep you going and motivated!

I can't WAIT to work with you and help you to CHANGE.YOUR.LIFE!

...did I mention you can have wine and chocolate ;)

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