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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Screw the Snooze: Read Something

The last entry we talked about how silence is something we all need to experience- even if just for 3 minutes - first thing in the morning. It allows our brain to re-focus and get ready to begin the day.

Today I want to focus on the value of reading something uplifting in the morning. Perhaps as simple as a daily devotional, a Bible passage, or a great personal development book. I know this sounds weird if you have never tried it before, but personal development has changed my life!

Here's the thing - you can fill you brain with junk (stories, reality tv...all of which is great in moderation!) or KNOWLEDGE. I'm sure you have a weak area in your life: time management, organization, personal belief, fears -- there's a book for that! And I'm not recommending that you read some corny self-help book, I'm talking about the books of the greats. The books that make top CEOs, motivational speakers, and some of the most influential people of our time! Books that can transform how you think about everything from just a daily action that seems insignificant, to something that doesn't quite go your way. I'm telling you - don't knock it til you try it!

The goal that I have for you is 10 pages. That's it! 10 pages a day of uplifting reading to begin your day. Watch how quickly your mindset changes - or don't and stay where you are: miserable and tired.

Here are some of the books you could find on my Kindle that I highly recommend:

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod (the inspiration for this series)

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson (HIGHLY recommend)

WTF to OMG: The Frazzled Females Guide to Creating a Life You Love by Jennifer Sparks

As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Break Out! by Joel Osteen

I Declare by Joel Osteen

No Excuses! by Brian Tracy

And that's just the Kindle...I have many more titles from John C. Maxwell, David Ramsey, and Tony Robbins in my bookcase at home!

Again, personal development CHANGED MY LIFE and it can for you too! Download or borrow one of these books from your local library and just TRY IT :)

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