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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Insanity Max:30 Tabata Power Review

Earlier I had done two separate blog posts - What is Tabata?Is Insanity Max:30 Like Tabata? If you do not know what Tabata is, these two posts are great references.

Simply put, Tabata exercises are done 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. After completing week 1 of Insanity Max:30, I have to confess that this is by far my favorite DVD in the series. All of the workouts are great, but 20 seconds on makes me PUSH HARD. You can do anything for 20 seconds - c'mon! And then the 10 second rest recovery of a light jog brings my heart rate down just enough that I feel rested and rejuvenated (crazy after only 10 seconds, huh?) to kick it back up to 10 and go again.

The DVD works through segments that focus on various parts of your body. You have a leg segment that is various lunges and jumps done in a plyometric fashion. Most hate jumping - I honestly don't care for jumping but I do it anyway; however, I know that there are some that really can't do jumps because of prior injury, etc. For that you have a modifier that takes out ALL of the jumping but still gives you a great workout.

The DVD also focuses on upper body with push up varieties, as well as tricep exercises. I can't tell you how much I hate push up rows; however, despite the extreme hatred for the exercise, I find myself pushing through those the most. The one thing Insanity Max:30 has taught me is to take the hate, and roll it up into fuel to power through. Shaun T says that there are always those moves that you HAAATE and those are the ones that you need to dig the deepest on and overcome. For me, that's push up rows in this workout series. My favorite move would have to be the tricep dip reaches. I love those!  Upper body also has a great modifier which largely has you dropping to your knees rather than being up on your toes.

Finally you have your abs, and also scheduled on this day is the Ab Challenge - a new ab workout from Shaun T that is 10 minutes long and I LOVE! Sometimes you do ab work and you wonder, "Did that really do anything?" With the 10 Minute Ab Challenge there is no doubt in my mind that it is working and is going to work to shrink my mid-section, which is an area I always have issues with because of how small I am.

Like I said in the beginning, Insanity Max:30 Tabata Power is by far my favorite disc in the series. It pushes you to work at your hardest level and really pushes you to actually MAX OUT.

I'd love to help you decide if this program is right for you, and help you to reach the finish line!Interested in hearing more? Click here or shoot me an email nik4213@gmail.com

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