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Monday, February 2, 2015

Why Am I So Hungry During Month 2 of Insanity Max:30?

Hello and welcome! I'm sure you are ready to chew off your arm as you read this, and if that's the case you might be on Month 2 of Insanity Max:30.  Congratulations on making it to Month 2 - get your  mind right and get ready to succeed!

When I was doing this program the one thing I noticed on my first rest day in Month 2 was that I was constantly hungry. I mean, eat my entire house and then go eat the neighbor's house hungry. It was insane! I began asking around to my other coach friends to see if I was just bored and my mind was playing tricks on me, or if this was something more. Turns out I was not alone - we were all CRUSHING food!

During month one of Max:30 your body is slowly adjusting to the types of workouts that you will be faced with in Month 2. Month 2 is more intense, and sometimes longer durations. During Month 1 you are building both endurance and muscle. Your body is changing whether you can physically see it, or not - and the biggest change is coming on the inside: Your metabolism.

Typically our metabolism shifts when we shift our workout. While Month 2 of Max:30 is similar in some ways to Month 1, it is also MUCH different; however, almost immediately your body realizes it needs to work harder -- but it is prepared. In order to work harder and grow stronger, it needs to take in the proper fuel. As it does that, it learns how to best break down and utilize what is being put in your body. It quickly learns what it needs to do aka: it speeds up the metabolism to get more of what you need faster.

Interval training is one of the most well known and effective way to increase your metabolism and Insanity Max:30 is - ready for this one - interval training. Another way to speed up the metabolism is by adding in weight training to your workout.  Insanity Max:30 may not have you lifting weights, but your body is your equipment -- those push-up variations, lunges, and core exercises aren't there to just make you cuss at Shaun T - they are there to create results and will assist in changing up that metabolism.

So we have established why you want to eat yourself out of house and home - now what. What can you do?  The best thing when this happens, from a very basic standpoint, is watch what you bring into the house. What is there, you will eat, so make sure you are filling your grocery cart with health foods, foods rich in fiber, protein, and whole grains. Skip the cookies, the cereals, the high sugar drinks, etc and go for whole foods.  Check out the recipe section of my blog, get out on Pinterest, or Google and find new recipes to try that will continue to keep on track.  That way, if you start to eat more than you want, at least it is food that has nutritional value and won't undo TOO much of your hard work.

You can and will get through this and your results will be worth it! If you have any additional questions or just want to chat, feel free to reach out to me. I  love hearing from new people!

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